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Quarterly Meeting #3 - Learning to Love a Crisis

  • Wednesday, February 26, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Deer Creek Public Schools Performing Arts & Athletic Complex, 20795 N MacArthur Blvd, Edmond, OK 73012


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Join us for a day filled with actionable insights and best practices in crisis communication. Gain expert knowledge and connect with fellow Oklahoma school PR professionals as we navigate crisis management.

Event Details:

Coffee & Continental Breakfast Provided

Agenda Highlights:


9:00 AM – Terri Busch, OKSPRA President-Elect


9:10-9:30 AM – Jackalyn Beck, OKSPRA Secretary

Keynote Session: Prepare for the Worst & Hope for the Best

9:30-11:00 AM – Teresa Abram, APR, Marketing & Communications Director, Great Plains Tech Center

Sponsor Session: ParentSquare, Crisis Response: 5 Impactful Ways to Engage & Inform Your Community

11:15-11:35 AM - Ann Pattison

During crises like winter storms and wildfires, clear communication is vital. Schools play a key role in keeping communities informed, safe, and supported. At ParentSquare, we've seen districts use our platform to share critical updates, safety measures, and essential resources. Their efforts build trust and stability in challenging times. Here are five powerful ways schools have leveraged ParentSquare to keep their communities connected when it matters most. Sharing these examples will hopefully provide some ideas, insights and points of discussion to bring back to your own districts. 

Lunch: Catered by Pepperoni Grill

11:45 AM-12:30 PM Dealing with Difficult People

Panel Discussion: The First 24 Hours

12:30-1:15 PM

What are the immediate steps you should take during a crisis to control the narrative, manage media inquiries, and communicate effectively with staff, parents, and students? Learn from the experts within OKSPRA about the lessons they learned from real-life crises and challenges faced within their districts and communities. 


  • Maggie Leftwich, Deer Creek Public Schools
  • Jordan Korphage, Owasso Public Schools
  • Tyler Bridges, Clinton Public Schools
  • Jeff Bardach, Edmond Public Schools

Skills Sessions (Choose One):

1:30-2:15 PM

Manage a Crisis as a Department of One – Susan Parks-Schlepp, Price Lang Public Relations

Making the Media Part of Your Crisis Plan – Lynn Cordes, Lawton Public Schools

Effective Use of Social Media During a Crisis – Kristen Goodale, Gooden Group

Business Meeting

2:30 PM – Terri Busch, OKSPRA President-Elect


3:00 PM


The Oklahoma School Public Relations Association (OKSPRA) is a knowledge-based organization seeking to serve, motivate and educate school administrators and staff, postsecondary officials, school foundation executives and boards of education about the importance of school public relations.

4500 SW Lee Blvd.
Lawton, Oklahoma 73505


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